Creating Your First IOTile Device

There are two kinds of IOTile Devices, real and virtual. Real devices are physical objects that let you either sense or control things around you. Virtual devices are programs that act as if they are real IOTile Devices.

Virtual devices are indistinguishable from real IOTile devices, except for the fact that you can’t actually touch them. In particular, virtual IOTile devices interact with the rest of CoreTools the same way a real device would, so they are particularly useful for tutorials like this one.

We’re going to make a simple virtual IOTile Device that will stream you fake temperature data when you connect to it. It will also have one command that will send you a random temperature value back to you whatever you call it. Then we’re going to interact with the device as if it were a real IOTile device.


  1. Introduce the concept of Python Proxy Modules, that are used to wrap low-level access to IOTile devices in a python compatible API
  2. Introduce Virtual Devices and show how you can use them to quickly mock up what a real IOTile device could look like and use them with the rest of CoreTools.
  3. Introduce Support Packages, which are pip installable packages that contain all of the necessary python modules to interact with an IOTile Device. They are usually produced as part of the build process for the device.


For this tutorial, you are going to need to have CoreTools installed. It’s best to create a new virtual environment for this walkthrough so that you have a clean slate and don’t pollute any other CoreTools installations you have with the products of this walkthrough.


When you send commands to an IOTile device, the commands all take the form of remote procedure calls (RPCs). Basically you send an ID indicating what function you want the device to execute, followed by the arguments. The device synchronously executes the function and returns the response back to you as if you had just invoked a function locally on your own computer.

Since IOTile devices typically contain small embedded microcontrollers, the low-level binary encoding for how RPCs are transmitted to the device is not user-friendly, e.g. the RPCs are identified with unique 16-bit numbers rather than string names and all arguments and responses are packed into 20 byte binary buffers.

So, instead of directly building these low-level RPC payloads and manually decoding the responses, CoreTools wraps them inside a python class where the methods on the class take in normal python objects as arguments, build the RPC payload and decode the response back into normal python objects. These wrappers are called Proxy Objects and the python modules that contain them are called Python Proxy Modules.

Every IOTile device should have at least one python proxy module that allows you to access its functionality from python. Many IOTile devices internally consist of several distinct parts called Tiles, each of which is independent and has its own proxy module. For now though, we won’t have to worry about multiple proxy modules.

The goal of this tutorial is walk you through creating a proxy module. Rather than wrapping a physical IOTile device though, we’ll wrap a virtual device so you don’t need any hardware to follow the walk through.

Getting Started

Before we can start working on our proxy module, we first need to get some boilerplate out of the way. We need to create an IOTile component that will contain our proxy module.


Pretty much everything in the IOTile world (except CoreTools itself) starts its life as an IOTile Component. Components are like packages in npm, or distributions in PyPI. They are just directories with a module_settings.json file that lets CoreTools know what to do with the files inside the folder.

So, let’s create an empty Component to contain our proxy module:

$ mkdir test_component
$ cd test_component
$ mkdir python
$ touch python/
$ touch module_settings.json
$ ls
module_settings.json    python

Now we need to add enough information to module_settings.json to identify this folder as an IOTile component and point out that should be treated as a proxy module. We’ll call our component demo_component and put it in the walkthrough namespace (called a domain). These names can be anything but should be unique if you ever want to share your component with anyone else.

Save the following to your module_settings.json file:

    "module_name": "demo_component",
            "version": "0.0.1",

                "python/": "proxy_module"

            "domain": "walkthrough"

This is the minimum needed in a module_settings.json file to identify the component and point out that we have a proxy module defined in python/ In more complicated components, there are many different kinds of products that could be generated and would be listed along with the proxy module in the products section of the file.

Now that we have an IOTile component, we need to tell CoreTools about it by adding it to the Component Registry (this command should be run from the test_component directory:

$ iotile registry add_component .
$ iotile registry list_components


The Component Registry is a file maintained in each virtualenv that contains a CoreTools installation. It lists what iotile components have been installed so that CoreTools knows to look in those directories for things like proxy modules.

Any changes you make to your Component Registry only affect your current virtual environment.

Now you have your component registered with CoreTools so we need to create a simple virtual device that it can interact with.

Creating a Virtual Device

Virtual IOTile devices are just python scripts that define a class that inherits from BaseVirtualDevice. We’re going to create a demo device. Just like above there is a bit of boilerplate that is required for the device to support the necessary RPC for CoreTools be able to identify its name and match it with a Proxy Module. Since the device we are creating is so simple, we are going to derive from a convenience subclass SimpleVirtualDevice.

Create a file named in your current working directory with the following contents:

"""Virtual IOTile device for CoreTools Walkthrough"""

from iotile.core.hw.virtual import SimpleVirtualDevice, rpc

class DemoVirtualDevice(SimpleVirtualDevice):
    """A simple virtual IOTile device that has an RPC to read fake temperature

        args (dict): Any arguments that you want to pass to create this device.

    def __init__(self, args):
        super(DemoVirtualDevice, self).__init__(1, 'Demo01')

Note how this is just a normal python class and it has one function controller_status that is decorated with an @rpc decorator. This decorator is how we mark what python functions in our class are really mocking the RPCs present in a real IOTile device. For more information on the rpc decorator, we can see its documentation below.

iotile.core.hw.virtual.rpc(address, rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format=None)[source]

Decorator to denote that a function implements an RPC with the given ID and address.

The underlying function should be a member function that will take individual parameters after the RPC payload has been decoded according to arg_format.

Arguments to the function are decoded from the 20 byte RPC argument payload according to arg_format, which should be a format string that can be passed to struct.unpack.

Similarly, the function being decorated should return an iterable of results that will be encoded into a 20 byte response buffer by struct.pack using resp_format as the format string.

The RPC will respond as if it were implemented by a tile at address address and the 16-bit RPC id rpc_id.

  • address (int) – The address of the mock tile this RPC is for
  • rpc_id (int) – The number of the RPC
  • arg_format (string) – a struct format code (without the <) for the parameter format for this RPC. This format code may include the final character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray.
  • resp_format (string) – an optional format code (without the <) for the response format for this RPC. This format code may include the final character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray.

There are a couple of other things to note about our DemoVirtualDevice. We gave it a name of Demo01. All IOTile devices have a 6 character name that is used to match the device with its associated proxy module by looking for matching names. We also gave the device an IOTile ID of 1, which we’ll use to connect to the device.

So, let’s try to interact with our virtual device:

$ iotile hw --port=virtual:./
(HardwareManager) connect 1
(HardwareManager) controller
HardwareError: Could not find proxy object for tile
Additional Information:
known_names: ['Simple', 'NO APP', 'Rptdev']
name: 'Demo01'
(HardwareManager) quit

We told the iotile tool that we wanted to connect to an IOTile device that was virtual and implemented in the python module ./ We connected to it (connect 1) and tried to get a proxy object for it using the controller command but we were told that CoreTools couldn’t find a proxy module for it.

This makes sense because we haven’t created the proxy module yet. So, lets create a basic proxy module and try again. Add the following to (make sure this file is within the python subfolder):

from iotile.core.hw.proxy.proxy import TileBusProxyObject
from typedargs.annotate import return_type, context, param
import struct

class DemoProxyObject(TileBusProxyObject):
    """A demo proxy object for the CoreTools walkthrough"""

    def ModuleName(cls):
        """The 6 byte name by which CoreTools matches us with an IOTile Device"""

        return 'Demo01'

The only required function that we need to implement is the classmethod ModuleName that tells CoreTools what IOTile devices should load this proxy module. Now let’s try to connect to our virtual device again:

$ iotile hw --port=virtual:./ connect 1 controller
(DemoProxy) quit

This time CoreTools looked through the registry and found a matching proxy object (our DemoProxy object). Now we’re ready to start adding some functions to our virtual device and wrapping them in the proxy object so we can test them out from the command line.

Adding an RPC That Returns Data

Let’s add an RPC to our virtual device name get_temperature that returns the (fake) temperature of the device. Add the following to your DemoVirtualDevice class:

@rpc(8, 0x8000, "", "L")
def get_temperature(self):
    """Get the current temperature of the device in degrees kelvin

        list  a list with a single value containing the device temperature

    return [273]

This defines an RPC with id 0x8000 that returns a single 32-bit integer (the L result format) with the fixed value 273. Now we need to add a function to our proxy object that calls this RPC.


The rpc decorator, as described in the doc source above, is how we pack and unpack data types through struct under the hood. You’ll see this later, but there are several ways to communicate more information, as long as you fit in 20 byte payloads.

For example, you can pack something with 10s, and you pass in a length 10 string.

Add the following to your DemoProxyObject class:

def get_temperature(self):
    temp, = self.rpc(0x80, 0x00, result_format="L")
    return float(temp)


The decorator on this function is what allows iotile to print the function’s return value on the command line. There is more information about these type annotations in the section on typedargs.

Now let’s call our new RPC:

$ iotile hw --port=virtual:./ connect 1 controller
(DemoProxy) <TAB><TAB>
back              config_manager    hardware_version  quit              status            tile_status
check_hardware    get_temperature   help              reset             tile_name         tile_version
(DemoProxy) get_temperature
(DemoProxy) quit

Internally this worked because our type annotation in DemoProxyObject told the iotile tool that this function could be called from the command line. So when we typed get_temperature we invoked that function in DemoProxyObject. Internally it used the self.rpc function provided by TileBusProxyObject to invoke an RPC on our virtual device, which sent back the temperature value 273 that it then returned and iotile printed for us using the return_type type annotation to know that we wanted it to print the result as a floating point number.

If we had been talking to a physical IOTile device rather than a virtual one, nothing would be different except for the argument that we passed to --port in HardwareManager that tells it what transport mechanism to use to send RPCs and receive their responses.

Adding a More Complex RPC

Let’s say that our device actually can store the last 5 temperature values that its recorded and has an RPC that allows us to query them all. We want to print those values as a list. First lets implement the underlying RPC on the virtual device:

@rpc(8, 0x8001, "", "LLLLL")
def historical_temps(self):
    """Get a list of 5 temperatures from the device in degrees kelvin

        list  a list with a single value containing the device temperature

    return [273, 280, 215, 315, 300]

Then we need to add a corresponding call on the proxy object:

def historical_temps(self):
    temps = self.rpc(0x80, 0x01, result_format="LLLLL")
    return [float(x) for x in temps]


See how we used a complex type annotations list(float) to tell typedargs how to print our return value even though it wasn’t a simple primitive type.

Now we can call it:

$ iotile hw --port=virtual:./ connect 1 controller
(DemoProxy) historical_temps
(DemoProxy) quit

Setting Values Using an RPC

Up until now, we’ve only received information from RPCs, so lets create one that lets us set the temperature that the virtual device returns when you call get_temperature. We’ll need to create a member variable to store the temperature and a new RPC set_temperature that sets its value. Adjust to look like this:

"""Virtual IOTile device for CoreTools Walkthrough"""

from iotile.core.hw.virtual import SimpleVirtualDevice, rpc

class DemoVirtualDevice(SimpleVirtualDevice):
    """A simple virtual IOTile device that has an RPC to read fake temperature

        args (dict): Any arguments that you want to pass to create this device.

    def __init__(self, args):
        super(DemoVirtualDevice, self).__init__(1, 'Demo01')
        self.temp = 273

    @rpc(8, 0x8000, "", "L")
    def get_temperature(self):
        """Get the current temperature of the device in degrees kelvin

            list  a list with a single value containing the device temperature

        return [self.temp]

    @rpc(8, 0x8002, "L")
    def set_temperature(self, new_temp):
        """Set the current temperature of the device in degrees kelvin"""

        self.temp = new_temp
        return []

    @rpc(8, 0x8001, "", "LLLLL")
    def historical_temps(self):
        """Get a list of 5 temperatures from the device in degrees kelvin

            list: a list with 5 historical temperatures

        return [273, 280, 215, 315, 300]

Now add a new annotated RPC wrapper to DemoProxyObject in your file:

@param("new_temp", "integer")
def set_temperature(self, new_temp):

    self.rpc(0x80, 0x02, new_temp, arg_format="L", result_format="")


When you write a proxy module method that takes arguments, you need to tell typedargs what type they are so that it can convert them to the appropriate python types when you enter them on the command line. In this case we’re telling typedargs that we take one parameter new_temp that is an integer. That’s all we need to say and typedargs takes care of interpreting our command line input into a native python integer and passing that to set_temperature.

Alternatively, you can pack your arguments with the newer rpc method, rpc_v2:

@param("new_temp", "integer")
def set_temperature(self, new_temp):

    self.rpc_v2(0x8002, "L", "", new_temp)

Note that here, the rpc_id is combined in to one argument, and you are required to pass two arguments ahead of your input: the arg_format (in this case, L ), and the resp_format, which in this case is blank. If you provide multiple inputs you would append an argument for each format type, for example:

self.rpc_v2(0x8888, "LLL", "", new_temp1, new_temp2, new_temp3)

Additionally, you could use @docannotate instead of @param to tell typedargs how to parse input:

def set_temperature(self, new_temp):
"""Sets the temperature of the virtual device.

    new_temp (int): New temperature
    args = struct.pack("<L", new_temp)

    self.rpc(0x80, 0x02, args)

Let’s try out our set_temperature and get_temperature functions:

$ iotile hw --port=virtual:./ connect 1 controller
(DemoProxy) get_temperature
(DemoProxy) set_temperature 15
(DemoProxy) get_temperature
(DemoProxy) set_temperature 275
(DemoProxy) get_temperature
(DemoProxy) quit

Next Steps

This concludes the tutorial on creating proxy modules. It’s a pretty simple proxy module that we made that just sets one number but one of the core principles of IOTile is that everything we do should be as reusable as possible, so in future tutorials we’ll take the exact same proxy module and virtual device and show how you can access them over MQTT from anywhere in the world or over Bluetooth Low Energy without doing any additional work.

You may already be able to think of what you would want to do with a virtual device running on your computer that would let you run a python function from anywhere in the world.