Source code for iotile.core.hw.virtual.common_types

"""Shared decorators and exceptions used in virtual tiles and devices."""

import struct
from collections import namedtuple
import binascii
import inspect
from ..exceptions import (RPCNotFoundError, RPCInvalidArgumentsError,
                          RPCInvalidReturnValueError, RPCInvalidIDError,
                          TileNotFoundError, RPCErrorCode,

RPCDeclaration = namedtuple("RPCDeclaration", ["rpc_id", "arg_format", "resp_format"])

def _create_argcode(code, arg_bytes):
    if not code.endswith('V'):
        return "<" + code

    code = code[:-1]
    fixed_size = struct.calcsize("<" + code)
    var_size = len(arg_bytes) - fixed_size

    if var_size < 0:
        raise RPCInvalidArgumentsError("Argument was too small for variable size argument value", arg_format=code,
                                       minimum_size=fixed_size, actual_size=len(arg_bytes),

    return "<" + code + "%ds" % var_size

def _create_respcode(code, resp):
    if not code.endswith('V'):
        return "<" + code

    code = code[:-1]

    final_length = len(resp[-1])
    fixed_size = struct.calcsize("<" + code)

    if fixed_size + final_length > 20:
        raise RPCInvalidReturnValueError(0, 0, code, resp, reason="Variable length return value is too large for rpc response payload (20 bytes)",
                                         fixed_code=code, fixed_length=fixed_size, variable_length=final_length)

    return "<" + code + "%ds" % final_length

def pack_rpc_response(response=None, exception=None):
    """Convert a response payload or exception to a status code and payload.

    This function will convert an Exception raised by an RPC implementation
    to the corresponding status code.

    if response is None:
        response = bytes()

    if exception is None:
        status = (1 << 6)
        if len(response) > 0:
            status |= (1 << 7)
    elif isinstance(exception, (RPCInvalidIDError, RPCNotFoundError)):
        status = 2
    elif isinstance(exception, BusyRPCResponse):
        status = 0
    elif isinstance(exception, TileNotFoundError):
        status = 0xFF
    elif isinstance(exception, RPCErrorCode):
        status = (1 << 6) | (exception.params['code'] & ((1 << 6) - 1))
        status = 3

    return status, response

def unpack_rpc_response(status, response=None, rpc_id=0, address=0):
    """Unpack an RPC status back in to payload or exception."""

    status_code = status & ((1 << 6) - 1)

    if address == 8:
        status_code &= ~(1 << 7)

    # There is a firmware bug in lib_controller that misreports rpc not found exceptions
    # as application level exceptions, not protocol level exceptions.
    if status == 0:
        raise BusyRPCResponse()
    elif status == 2 or (address == 8 and status_code == 2):
        raise RPCNotFoundError("rpc %d:%04X not found" % (address, rpc_id))
    elif status == 3:
        raise RPCErrorCode(status_code)
    elif status == 0xFF:
        raise TileNotFoundError("tile %d not found" % address)
    elif status_code != 0:
        raise RPCErrorCode(status_code)

    if response is None:
        response = b''

    return response

def pack_rpc_payload(arg_format, args):
    """Pack an RPC payload according to arg_format.

        arg_format (str): a struct format code (without the <) for the
            parameter format for this RPC.  This format code may include the final
            character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray.
        args (list): A list of arguments to pack according to arg_format.

        bytes: The packed argument buffer.

    code = _create_respcode(arg_format, args)

    packed_result = struct.pack(code, *args)
    unpacked_validation = struct.unpack(code, packed_result)
    if tuple(args) != unpacked_validation:
        raise RPCInvalidArgumentsError("Passed values would be truncated, please validate the size of your string",
                                       code=code, args=args)
    return packed_result

def unpack_rpc_payload(resp_format, payload):
    """Unpack an RPC payload according to resp_format.

        resp_format (str): a struct format code (without the <) for the
            parameter format for this RPC.  This format code may include the final
            character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray.
        payload (bytes): The binary payload that should be unpacked.

        list: A list of the unpacked payload items.

    code = _create_argcode(resp_format, payload)
    return struct.unpack(code, payload)

[docs]def rpc(address, rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format=None): """Decorator to denote that a function implements an RPC with the given ID and address. The underlying function should be a member function that will take individual parameters after the RPC payload has been decoded according to arg_format. Arguments to the function are decoded from the 20 byte RPC argument payload according to arg_format, which should be a format string that can be passed to struct.unpack. Similarly, the function being decorated should return an iterable of results that will be encoded into a 20 byte response buffer by struct.pack using resp_format as the format string. The RPC will respond as if it were implemented by a tile at address ``address`` and the 16-bit RPC id ``rpc_id``. Args: address (int): The address of the mock tile this RPC is for rpc_id (int): The number of the RPC arg_format (string): a struct format code (without the <) for the parameter format for this RPC. This format code may include the final character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray. resp_format (string): an optional format code (without the <) for the response format for this RPC. This format code may include the final character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray. """ if rpc_id < 0 or rpc_id > 0xFFFF: raise RPCInvalidIDError("Invalid RPC ID: {}".format(rpc_id)) def _rpc_wrapper(func): async def _rpc_executor(self, payload): try: args = unpack_rpc_payload(arg_format, payload) except struct.error as exc: raise RPCInvalidArgumentsError(str(exc), arg_format=arg_format, payload=binascii.hexlify(payload)) resp = func(self, *args) if inspect.isawaitable(resp): resp = await resp if resp is None: resp = [] if resp_format is not None: try: return pack_rpc_payload(resp_format, resp) except struct.error as exc: raise RPCInvalidReturnValueError(address, rpc_id, resp_format, resp, error=exc) from exc return resp _rpc_executor.rpc_id = rpc_id _rpc_executor.rpc_addr = address _rpc_executor.is_rpc = True return _rpc_executor return _rpc_wrapper
def tile_rpc(rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format=None): """Decorator to denote that a function implements an RPC with the given ID on a tile. The underlying function should be a member function that will take individual parameters after the RPC payload has been decoded according to arg_format. Arguments to the function are decoded from the 20 byte RPC argument payload according to arg_format, which should be a format string that can be passed to struct.unpack. Similarly, the function being decorated should return an iterable of results that will be encoded into a 20 byte response buffer by struct.pack using resp_format as the format string. The RPC will respond as if it were implemented by a tile at address ``address`` and the 16-bit RPC id ``rpc_id``. Args: rpc_id (int): The number of the RPC arg_format (string): a struct format code (without the <) for the parameter format for this RPC resp_format (string): an optional format code (without the <) for the response format for this RPC """ return rpc(None, rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format) class RPCDispatcher: """A simple dispatcher that can store and call RPCs.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RPCDispatcher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._rpcs = {} # Add any RPCs defined using decorators on this class for _name, value in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod): if hasattr(value, 'is_rpc'): self.add_rpc(value.rpc_id, value) def add_rpc(self, rpc_id, func): """Add an RPC. Args: rpc_id (int): The ID of the RPC func (callable): The RPC implementation. The signature of callable should be callable(args) taking a bytes object with the argument and returning a bytes object with the response. """ self._rpcs[rpc_id] = func def has_rpc(self, rpc_id): """Check if an RPC is defined. Args: rpc_id (int): The RPC to check Returns: bool: Whether it exists """ return rpc_id in self._rpcs def call_rpc(self, rpc_id, payload=bytes()): """Call an RPC by its ID. Args: rpc_id (int): The number of the RPC payload (bytes): A byte string of payload parameters up to 20 bytes Returns: bytes: The response payload from the RPC """ if rpc_id < 0 or rpc_id > 0xFFFF: raise RPCInvalidIDError("Invalid RPC ID: {}".format(rpc_id)) if rpc_id not in self._rpcs: raise RPCNotFoundError("rpc_id: {}".format(rpc_id)) return self._rpcs[rpc_id](payload)