Understanding IOTile Reports

All data from IOTile devices comes in the form of Reports. As the name suggests, a Report just contains a list of data that the IOTile Device wants to report to the cloud. This data is packed into a specific structure for transportation to the cloud and then unpacked and inspected to make sure it arrived correctly and originated from the IOTile Device that it claimed to come from.

In this tutorial, we’re going to build our own reports in Python to get a feel for how the process works and the various classes involved.

At the end we’ll talk about how you could upload a report to the cloud on behalf of a device.


  1. Understand how IOTile devices report data and how they package it into reports for transmission.
  2. Introduce the classes in iotile-core that represent data from IOTile devices and their API.
  3. Understand the distinction between realtime data and signed Robust Reports.


Before talking about how CoreTools handles data from IOTile Devices, we need to cover how IOTile Devices generate data in the first place.

IOTile Devices are designed to produce timeseries of discrete data points. Think of a soil moisture sensor programmed to record the water content in the soil every 10 minutes. It produces a single data stream which is a series of discrete soil moisture readings (i.e. single numbers) every 10 minutes.

Now think of a more complicated IOTile Device that measures soil moisture every 10 minutes but also measures the temperature of the air every hour and wants to report both of those numbers. Clearly, there needs to be a way to distinguish these two data streams so that users know which numbers are temperatures and which are moisture values.

IOTile Devices distinguish different sensor readings by using a 16-bit Stream identifier (a Stream ID), where each different Stream corresponds to a different type of reading.

All of the data entries in a Stream are time, value pairs, i.e a single reading that occurred at a specific time. Most IOTile Devices timestamp their data with 1 second precision. Currently, each data value saved in a Stream must fit in 32 bits, so it can either be an integer or encoded/packed into an integer.

For example, realtime water flow measurements might report their results as 2 16 bit numbers packed together with one number representing the fractional part of the flow and the other number representing the whole number part of the flow (a 16.16 fixed point format).

To save space on small embedded microcontrollers, there are no explicit units included in data sent from IOTile Devices.


it us up to the user to make sure that they understand the implicit units of the data being sent from an IOTile Device, since just bare numbers are transmitted from the devices. The data in each Stream must all have the same units.

Since many IOTile devices are not directly connected to the internet, they typically save up data to transmit periodically to the cloud in the form of a Report. A Report is simply a data packet with 1 or more readings in it and some associated header and footer information identifying where it came from and what it contains. Reports may be encrypted or cryptographically signed if desired to provide data privacy and verification of origin.

Key Concepts

An individual time/value data entry recorded by an IOTile Device. Each reading is timestamped and the reading value must fit in 4 bytes (32 bits). Every reading must be associated with exactly 1 Stream.
A time series of Readings that all have the same units and should be logically grouped together. Usually Streams come from a single sensor.
Stream ID
A 16-bit number that identifies a stream. Stream IDs are stored with each Reading so that the device can remember what Stream that Reading is contained in.

A Report is a data packet containing one or more Readings from one or more Streams that is packaged together for transmission from an IOTile Device to a remote user, usually either a mobile phone or the cloud.

There are different report formats that can be used depending on the communication channel constraints and the user’s desired privacy and security levels for the data.

How CoreTools Handles Reports

Once data is received from an IOTile Device, it is decoded into an IOTileReport subclass. All reports processed through CoreTools are represented as subclasses of IOTileReport.

Each IOTileReport contains one or more IOTileReadings which are the way that CoreTools represents Readings coming from an IOTile Device.

The IOTileReading class is pretty simple.

class iotile.core.hw.reports.IOTileReading(raw_time, stream, value, time_base=None, reading_id=None, reading_time=None)[source]

Base class for readings streamed from IOTile device.

Each reading represents a single time/value pair sent from an IOTile Device. Since many IOTile Devices do not have a hardware realtime clock, the timestamp that is assigned to a reading may only be a relative interval from a fixed event in the past, like the time the device turned on.

If the user knows the absolute time for this event they can pass it as a datetime in time_base to turn the relative reading timestamp into an absolute datetime accessible as reading_time.

  • raw_time (int) – the number of seconds since the device turned on when the reading was taken
  • time_base (datetime) – An optional estimate of when the device was last turned on so that we can calculate the actual time of the reading
  • reading_time (datetime) – An optional UTC time when this event was acquired. If combined with time_base, this value will take precedence and time_base and raw_time will be ignored.
  • reading_id (int) – An optional unique identifier for this reading that allows deduplication. If no reading id is passed, InvalidReadingID is used.
  • stream (int) – The stream that this reading is part of
  • value (int) – The raw reading value
classmethod FromDict(obj)[source]

Create an IOTileReading from the result of a previous call to asdict().

Parameters:obj (dict) – A dictionary produced by a call to IOTileReading.asdict()
Returns:The converted IOTileReading object.
Return type:IOTileReading

Encode the data in this reading into a dictionary.

Returns:A dictionary containing the information from this reading.
Return type:dict

There are two major Report Formats that we are going to be using in this tutorial. The first is the IndividualReportFormat. Individual reports contain a single reading and are used by IOTile devices to communicate real time data to a connected user that should not be stored persistently in the cloud.


Readings sent in Individual reports cannot be stored persistently in iotile.cloud since they do not contain the required unique reading identifiers to allow the cloud to deduplicate readings received from multiple sources. They are only used for transmitting ephemeral, realtime data.

The second major report format is the SignedListReport. Signed list reports, as the name suggests contain a list of readings, possibly from multiple streams and can be cryptographically signed to ensure that they came from the device they claim to come from.

Simulating Realtime Data


This section builds on the virtual device concepts we used in the first tutorial on Creating Your First IOTile Device. If you want an explanation for those concepts you should do that tutorial before continuing.

We’re going to create a simple virtual IOTile Device that streams realtime data “temperature” every second. The data will just be a random number between 32 and 100.

Just like in the first tutorial, create a class for the virtual device:

"""Virtual IOTile device for CoreTools Walkthrough."""

import random
from iotile.core.hw.virtual import SimpleVirtualDevice

class DemoVirtualDevice(SimpleVirtualDevice):
    """A simple virtual IOTile device that streams fake temperature.

        args (dict): Any arguments that you want to pass to create this

    def __init__(self, args):
        super(DemoVirtualDevice, self).__init__(1, 'Demo02')

        # Create a worker that streams our realtime data every second
        self.create_worker(self._stream_temp, 1.0)

    async def _stream_temp(self):
        """Send a fake temperature reading between 32 and 100."""

        await self.stream_realtime(0x1000, random.randint(32, 100))

Save your device file as demo_streamer.py.

This time we’ll scan for the device before connecting to it. Scanning in real life will display all of the devices you are able to connect to, as well as the unique id (uuid) of each device. You can then connect to it using the iotile tool connect:

(iotile-virtualenv) > iotile hw --port=virtual:./demo_streamer.py
(HardwareManager) scan
        "connection_string": "1",
        "expiration_time": "2017-05-26 13:06:54.800662",
        "signal_strength": 100,
        "uuid": 1
(HardwareManager) connect 1
(HardwareManager) enable_streaming
(HardwareManager) count_reports
(HardwareManager) count_reports
(HardwareManager) count_reports
(HardwareManager) quit

Notice how we used the enable_streaming function to inform the IOTile Device that we wanted to receive reports from it. Then we used the count_reports function to count how many reports we had received. It should increase by one every second when a new reading comes in.


There is not currently a good way to view the contents of the reports in the iotile shell tool. To see what the reports contain, we need to write a python script that looks at the IOTileReport objects directly.

Now, let’s write a python script that prints out the realtime data as it comes in:

from iotile.core.hw.hwmanager import HardwareManager
from iotile.core.hw.reports import IndividualReadingReport, IOTileReading

with HardwareManager(port='virtual:./demo_streamer.py') as hw:

    # hw.iter_reports() will run forever until we kill the program
    # with a control-c so make sure to catch that and cleanly exit
    # without printing an exception stacktrace.
        for report in hw.iter_reports(blocking=True):

            # Verify that the device is sending realtime data as we expect
            assert isinstance(report, IndividualReadingReport)
            assert len(report.visible_readings) == 1

            reading = report.visible_readings[0]
            assert isinstance(reading, IOTileReading)

            print("Received {}".format(reading))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

This script uses the hw.iter_reports() function to wait forever for each new report to come and the let you print it out. Run it inside your virtual environment to see it print out all of the readings your device is sending.

Save it as test_script.py and then run it to make sure everything works as expected.

You should see a new reading come once per second. You can quit the program by sending it a Ctrl-C event:

(iotile-virtualenv) > python ./test_script.py
Received Stream 4096: 34 at 2017-05-17 16:31:46.461000
Received Stream 4096: 49 at 2017-05-17 16:31:47.522000
Received Stream 4096: 73 at 2017-05-17 16:31:48.581000
Received Stream 4096: 55 at 2017-05-17 16:31:49.646000
Received Stream 4096: 72 at 2017-05-17 16:31:50.706000
Received Stream 4096: 59 at 2017-05-17 16:31:51.763000
Received Stream 4096: 36 at 2017-05-17 16:31:52.824000

Reference Information

We introduced two new functions on HardwareManager in this tutorial: iter_reports and enable_streaming. For reference, their API documentation is here.

class iotile.core.hw.hwmanager.HardwareManager(port=None, record=None, adapter=None)[source]

A module for managing and interacting with IOTile Hardware

This context provides tools to configure, control, debug and program any IOTile module. Specific functionality can be implemented in dynamically loaded proxy objects that are designed to provide access to each IOTile.

To create a HardwareManager, you need to pass a port string that describes the method to be used to connect to the IOTile device. The method should specify the name of the connection method optionally followed by a colon and any extra information possibly needed to connect using that method.

Currently implemented ports are:
bled112 jlink jlink:mux=ftdi virtual:…(e.g. simple)

Enable streaming of report data from the connected device.

This function will create an internal queue to receive and store reports until the user looks at them and then inform the connected IOTile device that is should begin streaming data.

This is done by telling the underlying DeviceAdapter managing the communication with the device that it should open the device’s streaming interface.

There is currently no way to close the streaming interface except by disconnecting from the device and then reconnecting to it.


Iterate over reports that have been received.

If blocking is True, this iterator will never stop. Otherwise it will iterate over all reports currently in the queue (and those added during iteration)

Parameters:blocking (bool) – Whether to stop when there are no more readings or block and wait for more.

Next Steps

This concludes the tutorial on understanding data from IOTile Devices. We looked mainly at how realtime data is streamed from IOTile devices and covered the different report formats that exist inside CoreTools.

Future tutorials will cover creating signed reports that could be uploaded to iotile.cloud. That process is a little more involved because the cloud requires readings that come from devices to include unique identifier information to ensure data integrity.