Source code for iotile.core.hw.virtual.common_types

"""Shared decorators and exceptions used in virtual tiles and devices."""

import struct
import binascii
import inspect
from iotile.core.exceptions import IOTileException

class RPCNotFoundError(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown when an RPC is not found."""

class RPCInvalidArgumentsError(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown when an RPC with a fixed parameter format has invalid arguments."""

class RPCInvalidReturnValueError(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown when the return value of an RPC does not conform to its known format."""

class RPCInvalidIDError(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown when an RPC is created with an invalid RPC id."""

class TileNotFoundError(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown when an RPC is sent to a tile that does not exist."""

class RPCErrorCode(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown from an RPC implementation to set the status code."""

    def __init__(self, status_code):
        super(RPCErrorCode, self).__init__("RPC returned application defined status code %d" % status_code,

class AsynchronousRPCResponse(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown from an RPC implementation when it will return asynchronously."""

    def __init__(self):
        super(AsynchronousRPCResponse, self).__init__("RPC handler elected to return asynchronously")

class BusyRPCResponse(IOTileException):
    """Exception thrown from an RPC implementation when a tile is busy handling asynchronous request"""

    def __init__(self):
        super(BusyRPCResponse, self).__init__("The tile is busy")

def _create_argcode(code, arg_bytes):
    if not code.endswith('V'):
        return "<" + code

    code = code[:-1]
    fixed_size = struct.calcsize("<" + code)
    var_size = len(arg_bytes) - fixed_size

    if var_size < 0:
        raise RPCInvalidArgumentsError("Argument was too small for variable size argument value", arg_format=code,
                                       minimum_size=fixed_size, actual_size=len(arg_bytes),

    return "<" + code + "%ds" % var_size

def _create_respcode(code, resp):
    if not code.endswith('V'):
        return "<" + code

    code = code[:-1]

    final_length = len(resp[-1])
    fixed_size = struct.calcsize("<" + code)

    if fixed_size + final_length > 20:
        raise RPCInvalidReturnValueError("Variable length return value is too large for rpc response payload (20bytes)",
                                         fixed_code=code, fixed_length=fixed_size, variable_length=final_length,
    return "<" + code + "%ds" % final_length

def pack_rpc_payload(arg_format, args):
    """Pack an RPC payload according to arg_format.

        arg_format (str): a struct format code (without the <) for the
            parameter format for this RPC.  This format code may include the final
            character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray.
        args (list): A list of arguments to pack according to arg_format.

        bytes: The packed argument buffer.

    code = _create_respcode(arg_format, args)

    packed_result = struct.pack(code, *args)
    unpacked_validation = struct.unpack(code, packed_result)
    if tuple(args) != unpacked_validation:
        raise RPCInvalidArgumentsError("Passed values would be truncated, please validate the size of your string",
                                       code=code, args=args)
    return packed_result

def unpack_rpc_payload(resp_format, payload):
    """Unpack an RPC payload according to resp_format.

        resp_format (str): a struct format code (without the <) for the
            parameter format for this RPC.  This format code may include the final
            character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray.
        payload (bytes): The binary payload that should be unpacked.

        list: A list of the unpacked payload items.

    code = _create_argcode(resp_format, payload)
    return struct.unpack(code, payload)

[docs]def rpc(address, rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format=None): """Decorator to denote that a function implements an RPC with the given ID and address. The underlying function should be a member function that will take individual parameters after the RPC payload has been decoded according to arg_format. Arguments to the function are decoded from the 20 byte RPC argument payload according to arg_format, which should be a format string that can be passed to struct.unpack. Similarly, the function being decorated should return an iterable of results that will be encoded into a 20 byte response buffer by struct.pack using resp_format as the format string. The RPC will respond as if it were implemented by a tile at address ``address`` and the 16-bit RPC id ``rpc_id``. Args: address (int): The address of the mock tile this RPC is for rpc_id (int): The number of the RPC arg_format (string): a struct format code (without the <) for the parameter format for this RPC. This format code may include the final character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray. resp_format (string): an optional format code (without the <) for the response format for this RPC. This format code may include the final character V, which means that it expects a variable length bytearray. """ if rpc_id < 0 or rpc_id > 0xFFFF: raise RPCInvalidIDError("Invalid RPC ID: {}".format(rpc_id)) def _rpc_wrapper(func): def _rpc_executor(self, payload): try: args = unpack_rpc_payload(arg_format, payload) except struct.error as exc: raise RPCInvalidArgumentsError(str(exc), arg_format=arg_format, payload=binascii.hexlify(payload)) resp = func(self, *args) if resp is None: resp = [] if resp_format is not None: try: return pack_rpc_payload(resp_format, resp) except struct.error as exc: raise RPCInvalidReturnValueError(str(exc), resp_format=resp_format, resp=repr(resp)) return resp _rpc_executor.rpc_id = rpc_id _rpc_executor.rpc_addr = address _rpc_executor.is_rpc = True return _rpc_executor return _rpc_wrapper
def tile_rpc(rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format=None): """Decorator to denote that a function implements an RPC with the given ID on a tile. The underlying function should be a member function that will take individual parameters after the RPC payload has been decoded according to arg_format. Arguments to the function are decoded from the 20 byte RPC argument payload according to arg_format, which should be a format string that can be passed to struct.unpack. Similarly, the function being decorated should return an iterable of results that will be encoded into a 20 byte response buffer by struct.pack using resp_format as the format string. The RPC will respond as if it were implemented by a tile at address ``address`` and the 16-bit RPC id ``rpc_id``. Args: rpc_id (int): The number of the RPC arg_format (string): a struct format code (without the <) for the parameter format for this RPC resp_format (string): an optional format code (without the <) for the response format for this RPC """ return rpc(None, rpc_id, arg_format, resp_format) class RPCDispatcher: """A simple dispatcher that can store and call RPCs.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RPCDispatcher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._rpcs = {} # Add any RPCs defined using decorators on this class for _name, value in inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.ismethod): if hasattr(value, 'is_rpc'): self.add_rpc(value.rpc_id, value) def add_rpc(self, rpc_id, func): """Add an RPC. Args: rpc_id (int): The ID of the RPC func (callable): The RPC implementation. The signature of callable should be callable(args) taking a bytes object with the argument and returning a bytes object with the response. """ self._rpcs[rpc_id] = func def has_rpc(self, rpc_id): """Check if an RPC is defined. Args: rpc_id (int): The RPC to check Returns: bool: Whether it exists """ return rpc_id in self._rpcs def call_rpc(self, rpc_id, payload=bytes()): """Call an RPC by its ID. Args: rpc_id (int): The number of the RPC payload (bytes): A byte string of payload parameters up to 20 bytes Returns: bytes: The response payload from the RPC """ if rpc_id < 0 or rpc_id > 0xFFFF: raise RPCInvalidIDError("Invalid RPC ID: {}".format(rpc_id)) if rpc_id not in self._rpcs: raise RPCNotFoundError("rpc_id: {}".format(rpc_id)) return self._rpcs[rpc_id](payload)